Symbol IV (Spell)
As Symbol I, except it allows the following effects:
- Symbol of Insanity (Enchantment) Mind-Affecting
- Affected creatures are rendered insane (as the insanity spell), Will negates. The evoked symbol lasts 1 round/level, but the inscribed symbol's effect is permanent (even if the symbol itself isn't). Material component cost: 5,000 gp.
- Symbol of Death (Necromancy) Death
- Affected creatures are slain, Fort negates. The symbol affects a maximum of 150 hit points, starting from the closest affected creature and moving outward, skipping creatures with too many hit points to be affected. A permanent symbol has no such limitation. Material component cost: 5,000 gp.
- Symbol of Summoning (Conjuration)
- The symbol conjures a creature or creatures as in Summon Monster VIII. Unlike other symbols, this spell is not sight-dependent. If evoked, the creature appears immediately; if inscribed, the creature appears when the rune is triggered.